Woohoo I'm alive and survived today's
compass test! It was a grueling 4.5 hours worth of mental stretching in the morning followed by going back to work till 730 pm. I tend to focus more on the bad parts hence if anyone asked me how was it, I'd say it went horrible... Well in truth there was some components that I was better in and some components i totally flunked. So here are some aspects I probably flunked more so than others:
1. BAD TIME MANAGEMENT. there was a 60 questions test with 15mins allocated. Didn't plan my time properly so left about 10 questions blank. Those questions were about reading and interpreting the flying instruments which were quite doable.
2. JOYSTICK. Contrary to the rumor that playing computer games would help in this aspect, it's totally the opposite. I'm so used to "W" on the keyboard to move forward, but for the Joystick, pushing it forward meant actually moving the line on the screen backwards.
There was a flying test where you had control a stick plane to fly through squares, I practically flew over all the squares. The score I had was 4 out of 1-10 (1 being the worst). The sensitivity couldn't be controlled either so when I wanted to fly DOWN, I instinctively push the joystick backwards which made the plane fly upwards (more than I wanted it to fly). Corrective attempts just made it worse.
If only I had my mouse and keyboard:
3. NUMBERS. I could not say more. Any test components that needed mental calculations or counting was outright horrible.
- 5 seconds to remember 12 digits and churn it back out. NOPE
- number sequencing test: NOPE
- counting test (abit like 7-up game):
- counting test WHILE handling JOYSTICK: NOPE NOPE
Ended the compass test around 12.45pm, got back to work and the day continued as "normal" (zombified cherie) : work, OT, dinner, gaming time :)
Results are supposed to be out 1-2 weeks later. What's done's done and although I try to convince myself NOT TO WORRY, I can't exactly contain my expectation to pass the compass test.