Tuesday, 11 September 2018

8500 miles away

I haven't really gotten down to reflecting and looking through small milestones in my RSAF journey and figured it might be a good time now. Just really thankful for all the opportunities that were presented my way for example helping out with NDP18, RSAF50@SA18 and RSAF Womens Seminar 18. Some may think of this as saikang but to me, I enjoy participating as part of the working crew to see more than the civilian point of view. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be wearing the RSAF No.4 Blue uniform and standing BEHIND the counter and talking to the public about what we do. But Here I Am :)

Now, I find myself at a new start. Knowing new people, processes, physical space and last but not least, the different culture. I kind of miss my previous squadron but I guess I have to constantly step out of my comfort zone to progress. I'll be here for 2 years for my training upgrades and hope I don't disappoint.