Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Idaho Reflections

As I sit in my room full of half packed boxes and approximately 1 month to returning home to Singapore, I can't stop but start thinking back how fast the past 2 years flew by quickly. I'm full of gratefulness for this opportunity to come to this wonderful state called Idaho to train at Mountain Home Air Force Base with the USAF. Of course, it's not always rainbow and butterflies as I also share what struggles I faced. I hope this blog posts helps to collect my thoughts and reflections of the past 2 years. It may be a slightly lengthy post (hopefully I can dig out some pictures since I'm a pretty visual person). Here goes the main 5 pointers:
  1. Finally the chance to live and travel overseas alone
  2. Working in a Fighter Squadron in an airbase
  3. Experiencing 4 seasons and "angmoh" traditions
  4. The great outdoors
  5. Relying on God and finding true friends

Living and travelling overseas alone

You have no idea how I've longed to travel overseas be it an overseas university degree or even an exchange. Each time though I was knocked back down as my parents would not sponsor my hunt for an overseas experience. I understand of course, it is their money and I don't really have a say in it. Young me always wanted to venture out of Singapore to taste what the world have to offer. I always said I wanted to migrate overseas but at this point in time after being overseas for 2 years, I really appreciate what Singapore has to offer. Every place has their pros and cons but now I know the pros far outweigh the cons for me back home in Singapore. I'm looking forward to coming home for good. 

I will miss the freedom of living alone though! I get to sleep in on the weekends, come back late without having to update anyone, manage my own meals (though it gets very sian to think and plan for meals), get lazy on household chores, buy whatever I want to decorate my room, basically just be responsible for myself, answer for my own decisions and not have anyone nagging at me. Hopefully even after coming back to Singapore I can get a place of my own soon. I'm definitely going to have a hard time adjusting to living with my parents again even though I really miss them a lot. 

One of the biggest perks is having my own car here and having the freedom to drive on wide open roads to nowhere. Also the speed limit on the expressways are 80 mp/h which is about 130 km/h and there are rarely any motorcycles. People are way more courteous on the roads here cause we are in a pretty much ulu place. 

Also, I adopted two cats here and will be bringing them back with me to Singapore! Hmm, I guess my parents have some adjustment to do :P

Travelling has been great until COVID struck. I'll cover more later in point 4 but just to list down the few places I've ventured to outside Idaho: 
  • Salt Lake City, Utah (just 4 hours away from Mountain Home)
  • Las Vegas, Nevada
  • LA & San Fran, California
  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Grand Teton National Park
  • Yosemite National Park
  • Kauai, O'ahu & Big Island, Hawaii
  • Jasper Banff National Park & Vancouver, Canada